

walking around the whitewalls gallery
 in s.f. on a beautiful San Fransisco night..sippin modelo and loving life.
The homeboys love art...fersher

////////////mr giant is using sharpies to make his work.


left to right--
chris, ismael, eddie


orders in
50 count of 2x8 E-surface
10 limited metallic tickets for homies
tickets-4- Framework show!


took the photo when the most epic trip to s.f. was at its highest peak.
around the corner from the whitewalls gallery was a chill liquor store.
i had a bookmark from the show that mike giant was having. the virgin mary was on the back
and the man running the register was checking it out so i gave it to him. he was all juiced.
i took this photo of chris while walking across the street avoiding crackheads-yeah


"Nativeminds speak justice"
Poetry book in the works.
Stapled paper. Drawings, thoughts, some of own and others and some Mr. Romper stickers!

My mind is always distracted by things that are
really unproductive in social situations. Its something that is a common thing for me. I hope i can them relay with this press up



pg.1-"cosmic joke"-xoxo


Just finished the Poster for
If yer not first yer last Race/////
for Sat, April 3rd
the res on the artwork isn's as good
as in person but it will be in framework// so see it there.




I sent an email to max schaaf about getting some 4Q support. He said he would be down...and im gonna try to get some t-shirts/////thanks

Also the other night i was riding in the pool at the public park at 2am and painted (with permission of course). well, today after a few beers at imbibe. We cruised over and checked out the creature boys skate the bowl.
Alex horn gave us oj3 shirts.////hell yeah good saturday/////


Some screen shots from a short film Titled "Mosiac Orgasm" by Alex Sarad

thanks for the Mosaic Orgasm poster.
screen printing is fucking raw
I loved the show during "Pruning Season".
It was like a little too much was pruned off. but you guys were the 
ferilizer that rescued the show
much love.

the Indian Man
This dude has  played with James Brown, Santana, RFC...
and so on. AMAZING!!

THe Monday niGht seSsions are KeEping Me PsyCh'd
=somE FliCKs=
stretching before the big practice 
the most peaceful backside tail-slide ever
bs50-50....still promoting peace
Ross in warp speed. just livin
a beer before the sesh reminds the back problems who is the boss

these posters will be printed to promote the 
RFC show that is taking place in May. 
more detail are in the works.

"I'm gonna start calling this dude Matt O.G."
    Jackson Edwards

"ollie pop lord ollie pop"
Mark Gonzales

"Whatever happens bottom line is...We don't give a fuck"


Im putting an order for offset poster prints tonight.
They will be black and white and measure 11x17
It will be a skateboarding photo with the native logo imprinted-//// run of 50 on recycled paper
$5 please///thankyou

//////////////im a backdoor man///////


hippie jump
i found an old roll of film sitting around. I developed it and found a grip of good photos 
 of my friend K.C. He  had
a really good style. We went to Glenville skatepark one time and this 
old dude was there with his son. We were all at the top of the snake run
K.C. dropped in and was just carving and flowing with style. The dude turns to his 
little boy and say's "You see that son-you see how loose he looks. thats how
you skate"
i thought that was awsome
i loved skateboarding back in the day taking photos of my friends with
an old hand me down camera.


on the way to the fouth floor of the library today....
i found my good friend working on a new poster
for the show at the Belmore-Basement//
The prints are on sale there this Saturday//3.13.2010
also FCC will be putting it down.


B.C. class in session
taking verticalnomic from 7-9 pm
every monday. come crash it...
shadows to the left....let's move!
right brain is the right brain... It works for me. what works is whats true.


Matt picked me up. we dropped off some furniture
and picked up a camera
I took these photos downtown. we went out to jam a pole that Matt bent by
hand. we ended up leaving that for awhile because a people started crowding
up the shot. i took these instead. the pole jam is coming next. gotta get it.
love the arts district


Old man night (18-0lder) Monday night ride out to big city to sesh the vert ramp. Everyone thats down...7-9pm.
This thing moves= Its beggin me To take it over the stairs in the pool at the pub park!
Finally have a new bike. Its a beast! I love it. Thanks for setting it up miguel. Also thanks to
Y color specialist consultant (((GOON)))


open up the mind and some fresh ideas in.
this is a new patch design that i just finished. the company is make believe.




shot some photos of Matt G. and Ross tonight at Big City. hopefully we can hookup a show/skate session/party there. skated the vert ramp for the fisrt time. looking forward to skating every monday night.