

1863---taken from
1863Bone Shaker or VelocipedeBone Shaker or Velocipede: Made of stiff materials, straight angles and steel wheels make this bike literally a bone shaker to ride over the cobblestone roads of the day. The improvement is a front wheel with peddles -- direct drive, fixed gear, one speed. This machine was known as the velocipede ("fast foot"), but was popularly known as the bone shaker, They also became a fad, and indoor riding academies, similar to roller rinks, could be found in large cities. 

miguel asked me to make a t-shirt design. he wanted a big wheel 
that had rfc in the shadow. i did one by hand but didnt like the angle of the letters. i made this instead
i think the helper is going to print them--------
thanks miguel


the highwheelers came in 1870.
and rfc came in 2006

1 comment:

  1. To late mashsf already coped that design a day late a dollar short
