

             freddy at orange cove skatepark////////////////bsd/////////photo-joey solorio////////////




Polaroid Land cameras do not use 600 film
they use a time-zero film. some people press on the photos
to make them extra unique. the white tab on the bottom has
all the chemicals it was never intended for writing notes
that was a marketing scheme. ha
sx-70 folds into a small portable box-

this camera saved me from getting a car ride from one time///
I was riding home from painting flowers on dumpters with red spray paint 
down lennox...
i was done and cruisin with the camera-a tripod-spray paint on the masi
a cop rolled up on me and started screaming "pull the fuck over!"- "pull over right now!"
i was like dude man im riding a bike...pull over is a bad command...
fuck it
i stopped as fast as i could. i thought they were gonna bust me for painting so i was thinkin how
i could weasel this one..
two other cars roll up
im like i came from downtown.."i'm an artist."-first time ever introducing myself like that but
these dudes pulled the sx camera out and were all stumped. they thought it was i weapon. and the tripod was a weapon
i told em i was spraying red paint in the air and photographing it with strobe lights.
they ate it
i got off

Jackson E." dude you have red paint..thats political shit."

rebecca & gabe
outside the house 
the tree at h.o.f. is full of old tires.
sue- " i wonder how they're gonna get those down"
negative space takes time to learn
see the L
R! was out late the night before
but the next day the owner painted over the 
huge R.

DAZL is my homie


on the first day of school
i didnt want to sit in a circle
so the fuck what
beach park-pre////////man bowl days
jackson 2003



and wait yeah///////


the inspiration is endless



Mr. Romper
i have 250 stickers that came today!

the 48 hour project lives on...



I was pulled over this morning on the way to work. I was going 47 in a 25 school zone. I signed the ticket confirming my court date.///// the officer made it a piont that it was for the safety of students. the whole idea of chasing people down bugs me. They should be proactive and make themselves visable. Hold warning signs. Or get off on foot and make sure people are getting to school safely. I have a bunch of tickets racked up now. I still dnt care to pay or show. They have a bad system. How cAn someone afford to scrape the bottom of the barrel and have someone come along and make it harder. BPD needs to rethink there speed trap methods. Im not handing over a cent more than is robbed from me daily ////besides this soil belongs to everyone. I should counter tax them. Down with the us government!!!


dazl jumping onto the street uphill- jordan chilling in the ivy
and chris capturing it on hi8

=the longhairs=



its all about drop bars
its all about now
its all about overstanding
its all about selflessness
its all about virtuous deeds
its all about misunderstanding
its all about you
its all about pressure from the heads upstairs
its all about doing puzzles in reverse
its all about hops
its all about the cutter
its all about childhood conditioning
its all about mindless chatter
its all about selling you something you dont need
its all about consuming as much as possible in a day
its all about skateboarding
its all about stimulation
its all about a melting ice cream
its all about a following the word of the lord
its all about reincarnation
its all about remembering birth
its all about not fearing something that will come in time
its not about anything


1863---taken from
1863Bone Shaker or VelocipedeBone Shaker or Velocipede: Made of stiff materials, straight angles and steel wheels make this bike literally a bone shaker to ride over the cobblestone roads of the day. The improvement is a front wheel with peddles -- direct drive, fixed gear, one speed. This machine was known as the velocipede ("fast foot"), but was popularly known as the bone shaker, They also became a fad, and indoor riding academies, similar to roller rinks, could be found in large cities. 

miguel asked me to make a t-shirt design. he wanted a big wheel 
that had rfc in the shadow. i did one by hand but didnt like the angle of the letters. i made this instead
i think the helper is going to print them--------
thanks miguel


the highwheelers came in 1870.
and rfc came in 2006


Learned helplessness+over embellished praise= tell me what to do-
"What does it all mean"+deadlines=past due notices-late projects and failed conversation atempts. Ha
Tangerine wheat+man ramp=progress